
Flatpak Command Reference

Flatpak Command Reference

Version 0.99.3


The command reference is generated from the flatpak repo; see https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/tree/master/doc

Flatpak comes with a rich commandline interface.

Table of Contents

flatpak — Build, install and run applications and runtimes
flatpak build-bundle — Create a single-file bundle from a local repository
flatpak build-commit-from — Create new commits based on existing one (possibly from another repository)
flatpak build-export — Create a repository from a build directory
flatpak build-finish — Finalize a build directory
flatpak build-import-bundle — Import a file bundle into a local repository
flatpak build-init — Initialize a build directory
flatpak build-sign — Sign an application or runtime
flatpak build-update-repo — Create a repository from a build directory
flatpak build — Build in a directory
flatpak config — Manage configuration
flatpak create-usb — Copy apps and/or runtimes onto removable media.
flatpak document-export — Export a file to a sandboxed application
flatpak document-info — Show information about exported files
flatpak document-list — List exported files
flatpak document-unexport — Stop exporting a file
flatpak permission-remove — List permissions
flatpak permission-list — List permissions
flatpak permission-show — List permissions
flatpak permission-reset — Reset permissions
flatpak enter — Enter an application
flatpak info — Show information about an installed application or runtime
flatpak install — Install an application or runtime
flatpak list — List installed applications and/or runtimes
flatpak make-current — Make a specific version of an app current
flatpak override — Override application requirements
flatpak remote-add — Add a remote repository
flatpak remote-delete — Delete a remote repository
flatpak remote-info — Show information about an application or runtime in a remote
flatpak remote-ls — Show available runtimes and applications
flatpak remote-modify — Modify a remote repository
flatpak remotes — List remote repositories
flatpak repair — Repair a flatpak installation
flatpak repo — Show information about a local repository
flatpak run — Run an application or open a shell in a runtime
flatpak search — Search for applications and runtimes
flatpak uninstall — Uninstall an application or runtime
flatpak update — Update an application or runtime
File Formats
flatpakrepo — Reference to a remote
flatpakref — Reference to a remote for an application or runtime
flatpak installation — Configuration for an installation location
flatpak metadata — Information about an application or runtime
flatpak remote — Configuration for a remote


Table of Contents

flatpak — Build, install and run applications and runtimes


flatpak — Build, install and run applications and runtimes


flatpak [OPTION...] {COMMAND}


flatpak is a tool for managing applications and the runtimes they use. In the flatpak model, applications can be built and distributed independently from the host system they are used on, and they are isolated from the host system ('sandboxed') to some degree, at runtime.

flatpak can operate in system-wide or per-user mode. The system-wide data (runtimes, applications and configuration) is located in $prefix/var/lib/flatpak/, and the per-user data is in $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/. Below these locations, there is a local repository in the repo/ subdirectory and installed runtimes and applications are in the corresponding runtime/ and app/ subdirectories.

System-wide remotes can be statically preconfigured by dropping config fragments into /etc/flatpak/remotes.d/.

In addition to the system-wide installation in $prefix/var/lib/flatpak/, which is always considered the default one unless overridden, more system-wide installations can be defined via configuration files in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/, which must define at least the id of the installation and the absolute path to it. Other optional parameters like DisplayName , Priority or StorageType are also supported.

flatpak uses OSTree to distribute and deploy data. The repositories it uses are OSTree repositories and can be manipulated with the ostree utility. Installed runtimes and applications are OSTree checkouts.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing. Use -vv for more detail.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


Print version information and exit.


Print the default arch and exit.


Print the supported arches in priority order and exit.


Print the list of active gl drivers and exit.


Commands for managing installed applications and runtimes:


Install an application or a runtime from a remote or bundle.


Update an installed application or runtime.


Uninstall an installed application or runtime.


List installed applications and/or runtimes.


Show information for an installed application or runtime.


Manage flatpak configuration.


Repair flatpak installation.


Copy apps and/or runtimes onto removable media.

Commands for finding applications and runtimes:


Search for applications and runtimes.

Commands for running applications:


Run an application.


Override permissions for an application.


Specify the default version to run.


Enter the namespace of a running application.

Commands for managing file access:


Grant an application access to a specific file.


Revoke access to a specific file.


Show information about a specific file.


List exported files.

Commands for managing the dynamic permission store:


Remove item from permission store.


List permissions.


Show app permissions.


Reset app permissions.

Commands for managing remote repositories:


List all configured remote repositories.


Add a new remote repository.


Modify properties of a configured remote repository.


Delete a configured remote repository.


List contents of a configured remote repository.


Show information about a ref in a configured remote repository.

Commands for building applications:


Initialize a build directory.


Run a build command in a build directory.


Finalizes a build directory for export.


Export a build directory to a repository.


Create a bundle file from a ref in a local repository.


Import a file bundle into a local repository.


Sign an application or runtime after its been exported.


Update the summary file in a repository.


Create a new commit based on an existing ref.


Print information about a repo.


Besides standard environment variables such as XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_DATA_HOME, flatpak is consulting some of its own.


The location of the per-user installation. If this is not set, $XDG_DATA_HOME/flatpak is used.


The location of the default system-wide installation. If this is not set, /var/lib/flatpak is used (unless overridden at build time by --localstatedir or --with-system-install-dir).


The location of flatpak site configuration. If this is not set, /etc/flatpak is used (unless overridden at build time by --sysconfdir).


Table of Contents

flatpak build-bundle — Create a single-file bundle from a local repository
flatpak build-commit-from — Create new commits based on existing one (possibly from another repository)
flatpak build-export — Create a repository from a build directory
flatpak build-finish — Finalize a build directory
flatpak build-import-bundle — Import a file bundle into a local repository
flatpak build-init — Initialize a build directory
flatpak build-sign — Sign an application or runtime
flatpak build-update-repo — Create a repository from a build directory
flatpak build — Build in a directory
flatpak config — Manage configuration
flatpak create-usb — Copy apps and/or runtimes onto removable media.
flatpak document-export — Export a file to a sandboxed application
flatpak document-info — Show information about exported files
flatpak document-list — List exported files
flatpak document-unexport — Stop exporting a file
flatpak permission-remove — List permissions
flatpak permission-list — List permissions
flatpak permission-show — List permissions
flatpak permission-reset — Reset permissions
flatpak enter — Enter an application
flatpak info — Show information about an installed application or runtime
flatpak install — Install an application or runtime
flatpak list — List installed applications and/or runtimes
flatpak make-current — Make a specific version of an app current
flatpak override — Override application requirements
flatpak remote-add — Add a remote repository
flatpak remote-delete — Delete a remote repository
flatpak remote-info — Show information about an application or runtime in a remote
flatpak remote-ls — Show available runtimes and applications
flatpak remote-modify — Modify a remote repository
flatpak remotes — List remote repositories
flatpak repair — Repair a flatpak installation
flatpak repo — Show information about a local repository
flatpak run — Run an application or open a shell in a runtime
flatpak search — Search for applications and runtimes
flatpak uninstall — Uninstall an application or runtime
flatpak update — Update an application or runtime


flatpak-build-bundle — Create a single-file bundle from a local repository


flatpak build-bundle [OPTION...] LOCATION FILENAME NAME [BRANCH]


Creates a single-file named FILENAME for the application (or runtime) named NAME in the repository at LOCATION . If a BRANCH is specified, this branch of the application is used.

The collection ID set on the repository at LOCATION (if set) will be used for the bundle.

The format of the bundle file is that of an ostree static delta (against an empty base) with some flatpak specific metadata for the application icons and appdata.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Export a runtime instead of an application.


The arch to create a bundle for.


The URL for the repository from which the application can be updated. Installing the bundle will automatically configure a remote for this URL.


The URL for a .flatpakrepo file that contains the information about the repository that supplies the runtimes required by the app.


Add the GPG key from FILE (use - for stdin).


GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings.


Export to an OCI image instead of a Flatpak bundle.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-build-commit-from — Create new commits based on existing one (possibly from another repository)


flatpak build-commit-from [OPTION...] DST-REPO DST-REF...


Creates new commits on the DST-REF branch in the DST-REPO , with the contents (and most of the metadata) taken from another branch, either from another repo, or from another branch in the same repository.

The collection ID set on DST-REPO (if set) will be used for the newly created commits.

This command is very useful when you want to maintain a branch with a clean history that has no unsigned or broken commits. For instance, you can import the head from a different repository from an automatic builder when you've verified that it worked. The new commit will have no parents or signatures from the autobuilder, and can be properly signed with the official key.

Any deltas that affect the original commit and that match parent commits in the destination repository are copied and rewritten for the new commit id.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


The (local) repository to pull the source branch from. Defaults to the destination repository.


The branch to use as the source for the new commit. Defaults to the same as the destination ref, which is useful only if a different source repo has been specified.


The source repostory is not trusted, all objects are copied (not hardlinked) and all checksums are verified.

-s, --subject=SUBJECT

One line subject for the commit message. If not specified, will be taken from the source commit.

-b, --body=BODY

Full description for the commit message. If not specified, will be taken from the source commit.


Update the appstream branch after the build.


Don't update the summary file after the new commit is added. This means the repository will not be useful for serving over http until build-update-repo has been run. This is useful is you want to do multiple repo operations before finally updating the summary.


Create new commit even if the content didn't change from the existing branch head.


Sign the commit with this GPG key. This option can be used multiple times.


GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


To revert a commit to the commit before:

$ flatpak build-commit-from --timestamp=NOW --src-ref=app/org.gnome.gedit/x86_64/master^ repo app/org.gnome.gedit/x86_64/master


flatpak-build-export — Create a repository from a build directory


flatpak build-export [OPTION...] LOCATION DIRECTORY [BRANCH]


Creates or updates a repository with an application build. LOCATION is the location of the repository. DIRECTORY must be a finalized build directory. If BRANCH is not specified, it is assumed to be "master".

If LOCATION exists, it is assumed to be an OSTree repository, otherwise a new OSTree repository is created at this location. The repository can be inspected with the ostree tool.

The contents of DIRECTORY are committed on the branch with name app/APPNAME/ARCH/BRANCH, where ARCH is the architecture of the runtime that the application is using. A commit filter is used to enforce that only the contents of the files/ and export/ subdirectories and the metadata file are included in the commit, anything else is ignored.

When exporting a flatpak to be published to the internet, --collection-id=COLLECTION-ID should be specified as a globally unique reverse DNS value to identify the collection of flatpaks this will be added to. Setting a globally unique collection ID allows the apps in the repository to be shared over peer to peer systems without needing further configuration.

The build-update-repo command should be used to update repository metadata whenever application builds are added to a repository.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-s, --subject=SUBJECT

One line subject for the commit message.

-b, --body=BODY

Full description for the commit message.


Set as the collection ID of the repository. Setting a globally unique collection ID allows the apps in the repository to be shared over peer to peer systems without needing further configuration. If exporting to an existing repository, the collection ID must match the existing configured collection ID for that repository.


Specify the architecture component of the branch to export. Only host compatible architectures can be specified.


Exclude files matching PATTERN from the commit. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't exclude files matching PATTERN from the commit, even if they match the --export patterns. This option can be used multiple times.


Use the specified filename as metadata in the exported app instead of the default file (called metadata). This is useful if you want to commit multiple things from a single build tree, typically used in combination with --files and --exclude.


Use the files in the specified subdirectory as the file contents, rather than the regular files directory.


Use the specified ISO 8601 formatted date in the commit metadata and, if --update-appstream is used, the appstream data.


Update the appstream branch after the build.


Don't update the summary file after the new commit is added. This means the repository will not be useful for serving over http until build-update-repo has been run. This is useful is you want to do multiple repo operations before finally updating the summary.


Sign the commit with this GPG key. This option can be used multiple times.


GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings

-r, --runtime

Export a runtime instead for an app (this uses the usr subdir as files).

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak build-export ~/repos/gnome-calculator/ ~/build/gnome-calculator/ org.gnome.Calculator

Commit: 9d0044ea480297114d03aec85c3d7ae3779438f9d2cb69d717fb54237acacb8c
Metadata Total: 605
Metadata Written: 5
Content Total: 1174
Content Written: 1
Content Bytes Written: 305


flatpak-build-finish — Finalize a build directory


flatpak build-finish [OPTION...] DIRECTORY


Finalizes a build directory, to prepare it for exporting. DIRECTORY is the name of the directory.

The result of this command is that desktop files, icons and D-Bus service files from the files subdirectory are copied to a new export subdirectory. In the metadata file, the command key is set in the [Application] group, and the supported keys in the [Environment] group are set according to the options.

You should review the exported files and the application metadata before creating and distributing an application bundle.

It is an error to run build-finish on a directory that has not been initialized as a build directory, or has already been finalized.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


The command to use. If this option is not specified, the first executable found in files/bin is used.


Require this version of later of flatpak to install/update to this build.


Share a subsystem with the host session. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't share a subsystem with the host session. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a well known socket to the application. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a well known socket to the application. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a device to the application. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a device to the application. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow access to a specific feature. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.

The devel feature allows the application to access certain syscalls such as ptrace(), and perf_event_open().

The multiarch feature allows the application to execute programs compiled for an ABI other than the one supported natively by the system. For example, for the x86_64 architecture, 32-bit x86 binaries will be allowed as well.

The bluetooth feature allows the application to use bluetooth (AF_BLUETOOTH) sockets. Note, for bluetooth to fully work you must also have network access.


Disallow access to a specific feature. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application access to a subset of the filesystem. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FS can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, xdg-run, xdg-config, xdg-cache, xdg-data, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir or paths relative to the xdg dirs, like xdg-download/subdir. The optional :ro suffix indicates that the location will be read-only. The optional :create suffix indicates that the location will be read-write and created if it doesn't exist. This option can be used multiple times.


Remove access to the specified subset of the filesystem from the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FILESYSTEM can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir. This option can be used multiple times.


Add generic policy option. For example, "--add-policy=subsystem.key=v1 --add-policy=subsystem.key=v2" would map to this metadata:

[Policy subsystem]

This option can be used multiple times.


Remove generic policy option. This option can be used multiple times.


Set an environment variable in the application. This updates the [Environment] group in the metadata. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the session bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to own all matching names. This updates the [Session Bus Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on the session bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to talk to all matching names. This updates the [Session Bus Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to own all matching names. This updates the [System Bus Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to talk to all matching names. This updates the [System Bus Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


If the application doesn't have access to the real homedir, make the (homedir-relative) path FILENAME a bind mount to the corresponding path in the per-application directory, allowing that location to be used for persistent data. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. This option can be used multiple times.

--runtime=RUNTIME, --sdk=SDK

Change the runtime or sdk used by the app to the specified partial ref. Unspecified parts of the ref are taken from the old values or defaults.


Set a generic key in the metadata file. If value is left out it will be set to "true".


Add extension point info.


Remove extension point info.


Set the priority (library override order) of the extension point. Only useful for extensions. 0 is the default, and higher value means higher priority.


Adds information about extra data uris to the app. These will be downloaded and verified by the client when the app is installed and placed in the /app/extra directory. You can also supply an /app/bin/apply_extra script that will be run after the files are downloaded.


Don't look for exports in the build.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak build-finish /build/my-app --socket=x11 --share=ipc

Exporting share/applications/gnome-calculator.desktop
Exporting share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.Calculator.SearchProvider.service
More than one executable
Using gcalccmd as command
Please review the exported files and the metadata


flatpak-build-import-bundle — Import a file bundle into a local repository


flatpak build-import-bundle [OPTION...] LOCATION FILENAME


Imports a bundle from a file named FILENAME into the repository at LOCATION .

The format of the bundle file is that generated by build-bundle.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


Override the ref specified in the bundle.


Import an OCI image instead of a Flatpak bundle.


Update the appstream branch after the build.


Don't update the summary file after the new commit is added. This means the repository will not be useful for serving over http until build-update-repo has been run. This is useful is you want to do multiple repo operations before finally updating the summary.


Sign the commit with this GPG key. This option can be used multiple times.


GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings


flatpak-build-init — Initialize a build directory




Initializes a directory for building an application. DIRECTORY is the name of the directory. APPNAME is the application id of the app that will be built. SDK and RUNTIME specify the sdk and runtime that the application should be built against and run in.

The result of this command is that a metadata file is created inside the given directory. Additionally, empty files and var subdirectories are created.

It is an error to run build-init on a directory that has already been initialized as a build directory.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


The architecture to use.

-v, --var=RUNTIME

Initialize var from the named runtime.

-w, --writable-sdk

Initialize /usr with a copy of the sdk, which is writable during flatpak build. This can be used if you need to install build tools in /usr during the build. This is stored in the usr subdirectory of the app dir, but will not be part of the final app.


Add a tag to the metadata file. This option can be used multiple times.


When using --writable-sdk, in addition to the sdk, also install the specified extension. This option can be used multiple times.


Add extension point info.


Specify a custom subdirectory to use instead of usr for --writable-sdk.


Re-initialize the sdk and var, don't fail if already initialized.


Initialize the application with files from another specified application.


Specify the version to use for --base. If not specified, will default to "master".


When using --base, also install the specified extension from the app. This option can be used multiple times.


This can be used to build different types of things. The default is "app" which is a regular app, but "runtime" creates a runtime based on an existing runtime, and "extension" creates an extension for an app or runtime.


If building an extension, the tag to use when searching for the mount point of the extension.


Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak build-init /build/my-app org.gnome.Sdk org.gnome.Platform 3.16


flatpak-build-sign — Sign an application or runtime


flatpak build-sign [OPTION...] LOCATION ID [BRANCH]


Signs the commit for a specified application or runtime in a local repository. LOCATION is the location of the repository. ID is the name of the application, or runtime if --runtime is specified. If BRANCH is not specified, it is assumed to be "master".

Applications can also be signed during build-export, but it is sometimes useful to add additional signatures later.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Sign the commit with this GPG key. This option can be used multiple times.


GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings


Sign a runtime instead of an app.


The architecture to use.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak build-sign --gpg-sign=D8BA6573DDD2418027736F1BC33B315E53C1E9D6 /some/repo org.my.App


flatpak-build-update-repo — Create a repository from a build directory


flatpak build-update-repo [OPTION...] LOCATION


Updates repository metadata for the repository at LOCATION . This command generates an OSTree summary file that lists the contents of the repository. The summary is used by flatpak remote-ls and other commands to display the contents of remote repositories.

After this command, LOCATION can be used as the repository location for flatpak remote-add, either by exporting it over http, or directly with a file: url.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Redirect this repo to a new URL.


A title for the repository, e.g. for display in a UI. The title is stored in the repository summary.


A default branch for the repository, mainly for use in a UI.


Import a new default GPG public key from the given file.


The globally unique identifier of the remote repository, to allow mirrors to be grouped. This must be set to a globally unique reverse DNS string if the repository is to be made publicly available. If a collection ID is already set on an existing repository, this will update it. If not specified, the existing collection ID will be left unchanged.


Deploy the collection ID (set using --collection-id in the static remote configuration for all clients. This is irrevocable once published in a repository. Use it to decide when to roll out a collection ID to users of an existing repository. If constructing a new repository which has a collection ID, you should typically always pass this option.


Sign the commit with this GPG key. This option can be used multiple times.


GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings


Generate static deltas for all references. This generates from-empty and delta static files that allow for faster download.


Remove unreferenced objects in repo.


Only keep at most this number of old versions for any particular ref. Default is -1 which means infinite.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-build — Build in a directory


flatpak build [OPTION...] DIRECTORY [COMMAND [ARG...]]


Runs a build command in a directory. DIRECTORY must have been initialized with flatpak build-init.

The sdk that is specified in the metadata file in the directory is mounted at /usr and the files and var subdirectories are mounted at /app and /var, respectively. They are writable, and their contents are preserved between build commands, to allow accumulating build artifacts there.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.

-r, --runtime

Use the non-devel runtime that is specified in the application metadata instead of the devel runtime.

-p, --die-with-parent

Kill the build process and all children when the launching process dies.


Add a custom bind mount in the build namespace. Can be specified multiple times.


Start the build in this directory (default is in the current directory).


Share a subsystem with the host session. This overrides the Context section from the application metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't share a subsystem with the host session. This overrides the Context section from the application metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a well-known socket to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a well-known socket to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a device to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a device to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow access to a specific feature. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.

See flatpak-build-finish(1) for the meaning of the various features.


Disallow access to a specific feature. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application access to a subset of the filesystem. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FILESYSTEM can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, xdg-run, xdg-config, xdg-cache, xdg-data, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir or paths relative to the xdg dirs, like xdg-download/subdir. The optional :ro suffix indicates that the location will be read-only. The optional :create suffix indicates that the location will be read-write and created if it doesn't exist. This option can be used multiple times.


Remove access to the specified subset of the filesystem from the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FILESYSTEM can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose and configure access to the per-app storage directory in $HOME/.var/app. This is not normally useful when building, but helps when testing built apps.


Add generic policy option. For example, "--add-policy=subsystem.key=v1 --add-policy=subsystem.key=v2" would map to this metadata:

[Policy subsystem]

This option can be used multiple times.


Remove generic policy option. This option can be used multiple times.


Set an environment variable in the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well-known name NAME on the session bus. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well-known name NAME on the session bus. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well-known name NAME on the system bus. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well-known name NAME on the system bus. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


If the application doesn't have access to the real homedir, make the (homedir-relative) path FILENAME a bind mount to the corresponding path in the per-application directory, allowing that location to be used for persistent data. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Normally if there is a usr directory in the build dir, this is used for the runtime files (this can be created by --writable-sdk or --type=runtime arguments to build-init). If you specify --sdk-dir this directoryname will be used instead. Use this if you passed --sdk-dir to build-init.


Mount the normally writable destination directories read-only. This can be useful if you want to run something in the sandbox but guarantee that it doesn't affect the build results. For example tests.


Use the specified filename as metadata in the exported app instead of the default file (called metadata). This is useful if you build multiple things from a single build tree (such as both a platform and a sdk).


Log session bus traffic. This can be useful to see what access you need to allow in your D-Bus policy.


Log system bus traffic. This can be useful to see what access you need to allow in your D-Bus policy.


$ flatpak build /build/my-app rpmbuild my-app.src.rpm


flatpak-config — Manage configuration


flatpak config [OPTION...] KEY VALUE


Show and modify current configuration


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Print all keys and their values


Set key KEY to VALUE


Unset key KEY


Print value of KEY.


Configure per-user installation.


Configure system-wide installation.


Configure the system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak config --set language sv;en;fi

See also



flatpak-create-usb — Copy apps and/or runtimes onto removable media.


flatpak create-usb [OPTION...] MOUNT-PATH REF...


Copies the specified apps and/or runtimes REF s onto the removable media mounted at MOUNT-PATH , along with all the dependencies and metadata needed for installing them. This is one way of transferring flatpaks between computers that doesn't require an Internet connection. After using this comand, the USB drive can be connected to another computer and flatpak install will prefer to install from it rather than the Internet if the refs are the newest available. For this process to work a collection ID must be configured on the relevant remotes on both the source and destination computers, and on the remote server.

Each REF argument is a full or partial indentifier in the flatpak ref format, which looks like "(app|runtime)/ID/ARCH/BRANCH". All elements except ID are optional and can be left out, including the slashes, so most of the time you need only specify ID. Any part left out will be matched against what is installed, and if there are multiple matches an error message will list the alternatives.

By default this looks for both installed apps and runtimes with the given REF , but you can limit this by using the --app or --runtime option.

All REF s must be in the same installation (user, system, or other). Otherwise it's ambiguous which repository metadata refs to put on the USB drive.

This command relies on the summary file in the source repo, so you may want to run ostree summary -u before running this command. Since appstream data is copied to the USB when it's available, you might also want to run flatpak update --appstream before updating the summary file.

By default flatpak create-usb uses .ostree/repo as the destination directory under MOUNT-PATH but if you specify another location using --destination-repo a symbolic link will be created for you in .ostree/repos.d. This ensures that either way the repository will be found by flatpak (and other consumers of libostree) for install/update operations.

Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation options, this command searches both the system-wide installation and the per-user one for REF and errors out if it exists in more than one.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Uninstalls from a per-user installation.


Uninstalls from the default system-wide installation.


Copies refs from a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Assume that all REF s are apps if not explicitly specified.


Assume that all REF s are runtimes if not explicitly specified.


Create the repository in DEST under MOUNT-PATH, rather than the default location.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak create-usb /run/media/mwleeds/1a9b4cb2-a7ef-4d9b-91a5-6eaf8fdd2bf6/ com.endlessm.wiki_art.en


flatpak-document-export — Export a file to a sandboxed application


flatpak document-export [OPTION...] FILE


Creates a document id for a local file that can be exposed to sandboxed applications, allowing them access to files that they would not otherwise see. The exported files are exposed in a fuse filesystem at /run/user/$UID/doc/.

This command also lets you modify the per-application permissions of the documents, granting or revoking access to the file on a per-application basis.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-u, --unique

Don't reuse an existing document id for the file. This makes it safe to later remove the document when you're finished with it.

-t, --transient

The document will only exist for the length of the session. This is useful for temporary grants.

-n, --noexist

Don't require the file to exist already.

-a, --app=APPID

Grant read access to the specified application. The --allow and --forbid options can be used to grant or remove additional privileges. This option can be used multiple times.

-r, --allow-read

Grant read access to the applications specified with --app. This defaults to TRUE.


Revoke read access for the applications specified with --app.

-w, --allow-write

Grant write access to the applications specified with --app.


Revoke write access for the applications specified with --app.

-d, --allow-delete

Grant the ability to remove the document from the document portal to the applications specified with --app.


Revoke the ability to remove the document from the document portal from the applications specified with --app.

-g, --allow-grant-permission

Grant the ability to grant further permissions to the applications specified with --app.


Revoke the ability to grant further permissions for the applications specified with --app.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak document-export --app=org.gnome.GEdit ~/test.txt



flatpak-document-info — Show information about exported files


flatpak document-info [OPTION...] FILE


Shows information about an exported file, such as the document id, the fuse path, the original location in the filesystem, and the per-application permissions.

FILE can either be a file in the fuse filesystem at /run/user/$UID/doc/, or a file anywhere else.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak document-info ~/Sources/gtk/gail-3.0.pc

id: dd32c34a
path: /run/user/1000/doc/dd32c34a/gail-3.0.pc
origin: /home/mclasen/Sources/gtk/gail-3.0.pc
        org.gnome.gedit read, write


flatpak-document-list — List exported files


flatpak document-list [OPTION...] [APPID]


Lists exported files, with their document id and the full path to their origin. If an APPID is specified, only the files exported to this app are listed.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-document-unexport — Stop exporting a file


flatpak document-unexport [OPTION...] FILE


Removes the document id for the file from the document portal. This will make the document unavailable to all sandboxed applications.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-permission-remove — List permissions


flatpak permission-remove [OPTION...] TABLE ID


Removes an entry for the object with id ID to the permission store table TABLE. The ID must be in a suitable format for the table.

The permission store is used by portals. Each portal generally has its own table in the permission store, and the format of the table entries is specific to each portal.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-permission-list — List permissions


flatpak permission-list [OPTION...] [TABLE] [ID]


Lists dynamic permissions which are stored in the Flatpak permission store.

When called without arguments, lists all the entries in all permission store tables. When called with one argument, lists all the entries in the named table. When called with two arguments, lists the entry in the named table for the given object ID.

The permission store is used by portals. Each portal generally has its own table in the permission store, and the format of the table entries is specific to each portal.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-permission-show — List permissions


flatpak permission-show [OPTION...] APP_ID


Lists dynamic permissions for the given app which are stored in the Flatpak permission store.

When called without arguments, lists all the entries in all permission store tables. When called with one argument, lists all the entries in the named table. When called with two arguments, lists the entry in the named table for the given object ID.

The permission store is used by portals. Each portal generally has its own table in the permission store, and the format of the table entries is specific to each portal.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-permission-reset — Reset permissions


flatpak permission-reset [OPTION...] APP_ID


Removes all permissions for the given app from the Flatpak permission store.

The permission store is used by portals. Each portal generally has its own table in the permission store, and the format of the table entries is specific to each portal.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-enter — Enter an application


flatpak enter [OPTION...] MONITORPID COMMAND [ARG...]


Enter a running sandbox. SANDBOXEDPID must be the pid of a process running in a flatpak sandbox. COMMAND is the command to run in the sandbox. Extra arguments are passed on to the command.

This creates a new process within the running sandbox, with the same environment. This is useful when you want to debug a problem with a running application.

This command requires extra privileges, so must be run as root or via e.g. sudo.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak enter 15345 sh


flatpak-info — Show information about an installed application or runtime


flatpak info [OPTION...] NAME [BRANCH]


Show info about an installed application or runtime.

By default, the output is formatted in a friendly format. If you specify one of the options --show-ref, --show-origin, --show-commit, --show-size, --show-metadata, --show-permissions, --file-access, --show-location, --show-runtime or --show-sdk, the output is instead formatted in a machine-readable format.

By default, both per-user and system-wide installations are queried. Use the --user, --system or --installation options to change this.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Query per-user installations.


Query the default system-wide installation.


Query a system-wide installation by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Query for this architecture.

-r, --show-ref

Show the installed ref.

-o, --show-origin

Show the remote the ref is installed from.

-c, --show-commit

Show the installed commit id.

-s, --show-size

Show the installed size.

-m, --show-metadata

Show the metadata.


Show the runtime.


Show the SDK.

-M, --show-permissions

Show the permissions.


Show the level of access to the given path.

-e, --show-extensions

Show the matching extensions.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak info org.gnome.Builder//master


flatpak-install — Install an application or runtime


Install from a configured remote:

flatpak install [OPTION...] REMOTE-NAME REF...

Install from a .flatpakref file:

flatpak install [OPTION...] [--from] LOCATION

Install from a .flatpak bundle:

flatpak install [OPTION...] [--bundle] FILENAME


Installs an application or runtime. The primary way to install is to specify a [REMOTE] name as the source and one ore more [REF]s to specify the application or runtime to install.

Each REF argument is a full or partial indentifier in the flatpak ref format, which looks like "(app|runtime)/ID/ARCH/BRANCH". All elements except ID are optional and can be left out, including the slashes, so most of the time you need only specify ID. Any part left out will be matched against what is in the remote, and if there are multiple matches an error message will list the alternatives.

By default this looks for both apps and runtimes with the given REF in the specified REMOTE , but you can limit this by using the --app or --runtime option, or by supplying the initial element in the REF.

If REMOTE is a uri or a path (absolute or relative starting with ./) to a local repository, then that repository will be used as the source, and a temporary remote will be created for the lifetime of the REF .

If the specified REMOTE has a collection ID configured on it, flatpak will search mounted filesystems such as USB drives as well as Avahi services advertised on the local network for the needed refs, in order to support offline updates. See ostree-find-remotes(1) for more information.

The alternative form of the command ([--from] or [--bundle] allows you to install directly from a source such as a .flatpak single-file bundle, a .flatpakref app description. The options are optional if the first argument has the right extension.

Note that flatpak allows one to have multiple branches of an application and runtimes installed and used at the same time. However, only one version of an application can be current, meaning its exported files (for instance desktop files and icons) are visible to the host. The last installed version is made current by default, but you can manually change with make-current.

Unless overridden with the --user or the --installation option, this command installs the application or runtime in the default system-wide installation.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Assume LOCATION is a .flatpak single-bundle file. This is optional if the arguments ends with .flatpak.


Assume LOCATION is a .flatpakref file containing the details of the app to be installed. This is optional if the arguments ends with .flatpakref.


Uninstall first if already installed.


Install the application or runtime in a per-user installation.


Install the application or runtime in the default system-wide installation.


Install the application or runtime in a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


The default architecture to install for, if not given explicitly in the REF .


Install only a subpath of the ref. This is mainly used to install a subset of locales. This can be added multiple times to install multiple subpaths.,


Check bundle signatures with GPG key from FILE (- for stdin).


Download the latest version, but don't deploy it.


Don't download the latest version, deploy whatever is locally available.


Don't download related extensions, such as the locale data.


Don't verify runtime dependencies when installing.


Assume that all REF s are apps if not explicitly specified.


Assume that all REF s are runtimes if not explicitly specified.

-y, --assumeyes

Automatically answer yes to all questions (or pick the most prioritized answer). This is useful for automation.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak install gnome org.gnome.gedit2

$ flatpak --installation=default install gnome org.gnome.gedit2

$ flatpak --user install gnome org.gnome.gedit//3.22

$ flatpak --user install https://sdk.gnome.org/gedit.flatpakref


flatpak-list — List installed applications and/or runtimes


flatpak list [OPTION...]


Lists the names of the installed applications and/or runtimes.

By default, both per-user and system-wide installations are shown. Use the --user, --installation or --system options to change this.

By default this lists both installed apps and runtimes, but you can change this by using the --app or --runtime option.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


List per-user installations.


List the default system-wide installations.


List a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


List installations for this architecture.

-d, --show-details

Show origin, sizes and other extra information.


List applications.


List runtimes.

--all, -a

List all installed runtimes, including locale and debug extensions. These are hidden by default.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user list



flatpak-make-current — Make a specific version of an app current


flatpak make-current [OPTION...] APP BRANCH


Makes a particular branch of an application current. Only the current branch of an app has its exported files (such as desktop files and icons) made visible to the host.

When a new branch is installed it will automatically be made current, so this command is often not needed.

Unless overridden with the --user or --installation options, this command changes the default system-wide installation.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Update a per-user installation.


Update the default system-wide installation.


Updates a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


The architecture to install for.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user make-current org.gnome.GEdit 3.14


flatpak-override — Override application requirements


flatpak override [OPTION...] [APP]


Overrides the application specified runtime requirements. This can be used to grant a sandboxed application more or less resources than it requested.

By default the application gets access to the resources it requested when it is started. But the user can override it on a particular instance by specifying extra arguments to flatpak run, or every time by using flatpak override.

If the application id is not specified then the overrides affect all applications, but the per-application overrides can override the global overrides.

Unless overridden with the --user or --installation options, this command changes the default system-wide installation.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Update a per-user installation.


Update the default system-wide installation.


Updates a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Share a subsystem with the host session. This overrides the Context section from the application metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't share a subsystem with the host session. This overrides the Context section from the application metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a well-known socket to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a well-known socket to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a device to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a device to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow access to a specific feature. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.

See flatpak-build-finish(1) for the meaning of the various features.


Disallow access to a specific feature. This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application access to a subset of the filesystem. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FS can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, xdg-run, xdg-config, xdg-cache, xdg-data, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir or paths relative to the xdg dirs, like xdg-download/subdir. The optional :ro suffix indicates that the location will be read-only. The optional :create suffix indicates that the location will be read-write and created if it doesn't exist. This option can be used multiple times.


Remove access to the specified subset of the filesystem from the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FILESYSTEM can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir. This option can be used multiple times.


Add generic policy option. For example, "--add-policy=subsystem.key=v1 --add-policy=subsystem.key=v2" would map to this metadata:

[Policy subsystem]

This option can be used multiple times.


Remove generic policy option. This option can be used multiple times.


Set an environment variable in the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well-known name NAME on the session bus. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well-known name NAME on the session bus. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to own all matching names. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to talk to all matching names. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


If the application doesn't have access to the real homedir, make the (homedir-relative) path FILENAME a bind mount to the corresponding path in the per-application directory, allowing that location to be used for persistent data. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak override --nosocket=wayland org.gnome.GEdit

$ flatpak override --filesystem=home org.mozilla.Firefox


flatpak-remote-add — Add a remote repository


Add from a .flatpakrepo file:

flatpak remote-add [OPTION...] [--from] NAME LOCATION

Manually specify repo uri and options:

flatpak remote-add [OPTION...] NAME LOCATION


Adds a remote repository to the flatpak repository configuration. [NAME] is the name for the new remote, and [LOCATION] is a url or pathname. The [LOCATION] is either a flatpak repository, or a .flatpakrepo file which describes a repository. In the former case you may also have to specify extra options, such as the gpg key for the repo.

Unless overridden with the --user or --installation options, this command changes the default system-wide installation.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Assume the URI is a .flatpakrepo file rather than the repository itself. This is enabled by default if the extension is .flatpakrepo, so generally you don't need this option.


Modify the per-user configuration.


Modify the default system-wide configuration.


Modify a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Disable GPG verification for the added remote.


Set the priority for the remote. Default is 1, higher is more prioritized. This is mainly used for graphical installation tools.


Mark the remote as not enumerated. This means the remote will not be used to list applications, for instance in graphical installation tools.


Mark the remote as not to be used for automatic runtime dependency resolution.


Do nothing if the provided remote already exists.


Disable the added remote.


A title for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI.


A default branch for the remote, mainly for use in a UI.


Import gpg keys from the specified keyring file as trusted for the new remote. If the file is - the keyring is read from standard input.


This is a OCI format registry rather than a regular flatpak repository.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak remote-add gnome https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome.flatpakrepo

$ flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify test-repo https://people.gnome.org/~alexl/gnome-sdk/repo/


flatpak-remote-delete — Delete a remote repository


flatpak remote-delete [OPTION...] NAME


Removes a remote repository from the flatpak repository configuration. NAME is the name of an existing remote.

Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation options, this command uses either the default system-wide installation or the per-user one, depending on which has the specified REMOTE .


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Modify the per-user configuration.


Modify the default system-wide configuration.


Modify a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Remove remote even if its in use by installed apps or runtimes.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user remote-delete dried-raisins


flatpak-remote-info — Show information about an application or runtime in a remote


flatpak remote-info [OPTION...] REMOTE REF


Shows information about the runtime or application REF from the remote repository with the name REMOTE . You can find all configured remote repositories with flatpak remotes.

By default, the output is formatted in a friendly format. If you specify one of the options --show-ref, --show-commit, --show-parent, or --show-metadata, the output is instead formatted in a machine-readable format.

Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation options, this command uses either the default system-wide installation or the per-user one, depending on which has the specified REMOTE .


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Use the per-user configuration.


Use the default system-wide configuration.


Use a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Assume that REF is a runtime if not explicitly specified.


Assume that REF is an app if not explicitly specified.


The default architecture to look for, if not given explicitly in the REF .


Show information about the specific commit, rather than the latest version.


Display a log of previous versions.

-r, --show-ref

Show the matched ref.

-c, --show-commit

Show the commit id.

-p, --show-parent

Show the parent commit id.

-m, --show-metadata

Show the metadata.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user remote-info flathub org.gnome.gedit

Ref: app/org.gnome.gedit/x86_64/stable
ID: org.gnome.gedit
Arch: x86_64
Branch: stable
Date: 2017-07-31 16:05:22 +0000
Subject: Build org.gnome.gedit at 3ec291fc1ce4d78220527fa79576f4cc1481ebe5
Commit: 3de7e9dde3bb8382aad9dfbbff20eccd9bf2100bc1887a3619ec0372e8066bf7
Parent: -
Download size: 3,4 MB
Installed size: 11,1 MB
Runtime: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.24


flatpak-remote-ls — Show available runtimes and applications


flatpak remote-ls [OPTION...] [REMOTE]


Shows runtimes and applications that are available in the remote repository with the name REMOTE , or all remotes if one isn't specified. You can find all configured remote repositories with flatpak-remotes(1).

REMOTE can be a file:// URI pointing to a local repository instead of a remote name.

Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation options, this command uses either the default system-wide installation or the per-user one, depending on which has the specified REMOTE .


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Use the per-user configuration.


Use the default system-wide configuration.


Use a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .

-d, --show-details

Show arches, branches and commit ids, in addition to the names.


Show only runtimes, omit applications.


Show only applications, omit runtimes.

--all, -a

Show everything. By default locale and debug extensions as well as secondary arches when the primary arch is available are hidden.


Show only those which have updates available.


Show only those matching the specied architecture. By default, only supported architectures are shown. Use --arch=* to show all archtectures.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user remote-ls --app testrepo


$ flatpak remote-ls file:///run/media/mwleeds/d4d37026-cde2-4e5e-8bcc-d23ebbf231f9/.ostree/repo



flatpak-remote-modify — Modify a remote repository


flatpak remote-modify [OPTION...] NAME


Modifies options for an existing remote repository in the flatpak repository configuration. NAME is the name for the remote.

Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation options, this command uses either the default system-wide installation or the per-user one, depending on which has the specified REMOTE .


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Modify the per-user configuration.


Modify the default system-wide configuration.


Modify a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


Disable GPG verification for the added remote.


Enable GPG verification for the added remote.


Set the priority for the remote. Default is 1, higher is more prioritized. This is mainly used for graphical installation tools.


Mark the remote as not enumerated. This means the remote will not be used to list applications, for instance in graphical installation tools.


Mark the remote as not to be used for automatic runtime dependency resolution.


Disable the remote. Disabled remotes will not be automatically updated from.


Enable the remote.


Mark the remote as enumerated. This means the remote will be used to list applications, for instance in graphical installation tools.


Mark the remote as to be used for automatic runtime dependency resolution.


A title for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI.


A default branch for the remote, mainly for use in a UI.


The globally unique identifier of the remote repository, to allow mirrors to be grouped. This must only be set to the collection ID provided by the remote, and must not be set if the remote does not provide a collection ID.


Set a new URL.


Update the remote's extra metadata from the OSTree repository's summary file. Only xa.title and xa.default-branch are supported at the moment.


Import gpg keys from the specified keyring file as trusted for the new remote. If the file is - the keyring is read from standard input.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user remote-modify --no-gpg-verify test-repo


flatpak-remotes — List remote repositories


flatpak remotes [OPTION...]


Lists the known remote repositories, in priority order.

By default, both per-user and system-wide installations are shown. Use the --user, --system or --installation options to change this.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Show the per-user configuration.


Show the default system-wide configuration.


Show a system-wide installation by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .

-d, --show-details

Show more information for each repository in addition to the name.


Show disabled repos.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak remotes --user --show-details

testrepo	Test Repository no-gpg-verify


flatpak-repair — Repair a flatpak installation


flatpak repair [OPTION...]


Repair a flatpak installation by pruning and reinstalling invalid objects. The repair command does all of the following:

  • Scan all locally available refs, removing any that don't correspond to a deployed ref.

  • Verify each commit they point to, removing any invalid objects and noting any missing objects.

  • Remove any refs that had an invalid object, and any non-partial refs that had missing objects.

  • Prune all objects not referenced by a ref, which gets rid of any possibly invalid non-scanned objects.

  • Enumerate all deployed refs and re-install any that are not in the repo (or are partial for a non-subdir deploy).


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Repair per-user installation.


Repair system-wide installation.


Repair the system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ sudo flatpak repair

$ flatpak repair --user

See also



flatpak-repo — Show information about a local repository


flatpak repo [OPTION...] LOCATION


Show information about a local repository.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Print general information about a local repository.


List the branches in a local repository.


Print metadata for a branch in the repository.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak repo --info ~/my-repo


flatpak-run — Run an application or open a shell in a runtime


flatpak run [OPTION...] REF [ARG...]


If REF names an installed application, flatpak runs the application in a sandboxed environment. Extra arguments are passed on to the application.

If REF names a runtime, a shell is opened in the runtime. This is useful for development and testing.

flatpak creates a sandboxed environment for the application to run in by mounting the right runtime at /usr and a writable directory at /var, whose content is preserved between application runs. The application itself is mounted at /app.

The details of the sandboxed environment are controlled by the application metadata and various options like --share and --socket that are passed to the run command: Access is allowed if it was requested either in the application metadata file or with an option and the user hasn't overridden it.

The remaining arguments are passed to the command that gets run in the sandboxed environment. See the --file-forwarding for handling of file arguments.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


The architecture to install for.


The command to run instead of the one listed in the application metadata.


The branch to use.

-d, --devel

Use the devel runtime that is specified in the application metadata instead of the regular runtime, and use a seccomp profile that is less likely to break development tools.


Use this runtime instead of the one that is specified in the application metadata. This is a full tuple, like for example org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/1.2 , but partial tuples are allowed. Any empty or missing parts are filled in with the corresponding values specified by the app.


Use this version of the runtime instead of the one that is specified in the application metadata. This overrides any version specified with the --runtime option.


Share a subsystem with the host session. This overrides the Context section from the application metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't share a subsystem with the host session. This overrides the Context section from the application metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a well known socket to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a well known socket to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. SOCKET must be one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus, session-bus, ssh-auth. This option can be used multiple times.


Expose a device to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Don't expose a device to the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri, kvm, all. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow access to a specific feature. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.

See flatpak-build-finish(1) for the meaning of the various features.


Disallow access to a specific feature. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FEATURE must be one of: devel, multiarch, bluetooth. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application access to a subset of the filesystem. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FS can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download, xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, xdg-run, xdg-config, xdg-cache, xdg-data, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir or paths relative to the xdg dirs, like xdg-download/subdir. The optional :ro suffix indicates that the location will be read-only. The optional :create suffix indicates that the location will be read-write and created if it doesn't exist. This option can be used multiple times.


Remove access to the specified subset of the filesystem from the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. FILESYSTEM can be one of: home, host, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, an absolute path, or a homedir-relative path like ~/dir. This option can be used multiple times.


Add generic policy option. For example, "--add-policy=subsystem.key=v1 --add-policy=subsystem.key=v2" would map to this metadata:

[Policy subsystem]

This option can be used multiple times.


Remove generic policy option. This option can be used multiple times.


Set an environment variable in the application. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the session bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to own all matching names. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on the session bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to talk to all matching names. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to own all matching names. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application to talk to all matching names. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


If the application doesn't have access to the real homedir, make the (homedir-relative) path FILENAME a bind mount to the corresponding path in the per-application directory, allowing that location to be used for persistent data. This overrides to the Context section from the application metadata. This option can be used multiple times.


Log session bus traffic. This can be useful to see what access you need to allow in your D-Bus policy.


Log system bus traffic. This can be useful to see what access you need to allow in your D-Bus policy.


If this option is specified, the remaining arguments are scanned, and all arguments that are enclosed between a pair of '@@' arguments are interpreted as file paths, exported in the document store, and passed to the command in the form of the resulting document path. Arguments between '@@u' and '@@' are considered uris, and any file: uris are exported. The exports are non-persistent and with read and write permissions for the application.


$ flatpak run org.gnome.GEdit

$ flatpak run --devel --command=bash org.gnome.Builder

$ flatpak run --command=bash org.gnome.Sdk


flatpak-search — Search for applications and runtimes


flatpak search TEXT


Searches for applications and runtimes matching TEXT . Note that this uses appstream data that can be updated with flatpak-update(1). The appstream data is updated automatically only if it's at least a day old.


The following options are understood:


Only search through remotes in the per-user installation.


Only search through remotes in the default system-wide installation.


Show a system-wide installation by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


flatpak-uninstall — Uninstall an application or runtime


flatpak uninstall [OPTION...] [REF...]


Uninstalls an application or runtime. REF is a reference to the application or runtime to uninstall.

Each REF argument is a full or partial indentifier in the flatpak ref format, which looks like "(app|runtime)/ID/ARCH/BRANCH". All elements except ID are optional and can be left out, including the slashes, so most of the time you need only specify ID. Any part left out will be matched against what is installed, and if there are multiple matches an error message will list the alternatives.

By default this looks for both installed apps and runtimes with the given REF , but you can limit this by using the --app or --runtime option, or by supplying the initial element in the REF.

Normally, this command removes the ref for this application/runtime from the local OSTree repository and purges any objects that are no longer needed to free up disk space. If the same application is later reinstalled, the objects will be pulled from the remote repository again. The --keep-ref option can be used to prevent this.

If all branches of the application/runtime are removed, this command also purges the data directory for the application.

Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation options, this command searches both the system-wide installation and the per-user one for REF and errors out if it exists in more than one.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Keep the ref for the application and the objects belonging to it in the local repository.


Uninstalls from a per-user installation.


Uninstalls from the default system-wide installation.


Uninstalls from a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


The architecture to uninstall, instead of the architecture of the host system.


Remove all refs on the system.


Remove unused refs on the system.

-y, --assumeyes

Automatically answer yes to all questions. This is useful for automation.


Only look for an app with the given name.


Only look for a runtime with the given name.


Don't uninstall related extensions, such as the locale data.


Remove files even if they're in use by a running application.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user uninstall org.gnome.GEdit


flatpak-update — Update an application or runtime


flatpak update [OPTION...] [REF...]

flatpak update [OPTION...] --appstream [REMOTE]


Updates applications and runtimes. REF is a reference to the application or runtime to update. If no REF is given, everything is updated, as well as appstream info for all remotes.

Each REF argument is a full or partial indentifier in the flatpak ref format, which looks like "(app|runtime)/ID/ARCH/BRANCH". All elements except ID are optional and can be left out, including the slashes, so most of the time you need only specify ID. Any part left out will be matched against what is installed, and if there are multiple matches an error message will list the alternatives.

By default this looks for both apps and runtimes with the given REF , but you can limit this by using the --app or --runtime option, or by supplying the initial element in the REF.

Normally, this command updates the application to the tip of its branch. But it is possible to check out another commit, with the --commit option.

If the configured remote for a ref being updated has a collection ID configured on it, flatpak will search mounted filesystems such as USB drives as well as Avahi services advertised on the local network for the needed refs, in order to support offline updates. See ostree-find-remotes(1) for more information.

Note that updating a runtime is different from installing a different branch, and runtime updates are expected to keep strict compatibility. If an application update does cause a problem, it is possible to go back to the previous version, with the --commit option.

Unless overridden with the --user, --system or --installation option, this command updates any matching refs in the standard system-wide installation and the per-user one.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Show help options and exit.


Update a per-user installation.


Update the default system-wide installation.


Updates a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system .


The architecture to update for.


Install only a subpath of the ref. This is mainly used to install a subset of locales. This can be added multiple times to install multiple subpaths. If this is not specified the subpaths specified at install time are reused.


Update to this commit, instead of the tip of the branch. You can find commits using flatpak remote-info --log REMOTE REF.


Download the latest version, but don't deploy it.


Don't download the latest version, deploy whatever is locally available.


Don't download related extensions, such as the locale data.


Don't update or install runtime dependencies when installing.


Only look for an app with the given name.


Update appstream for REMOTE , or all remotes if no remote is specified.


Only look for a runtime with the given name.

-y, --assumeyes

Automatically answer yes to all questions (or pick the most prioritized answer). This is useful for automation.


Remove old files even if they're in use by a running application.

-v, --verbose

Print debug information during command processing.


Print OSTree debug information during command processing.


$ flatpak --user update org.gnome.GEdit

File Formats

Table of Contents

flatpakrepo — Reference to a remote
flatpakref — Reference to a remote for an application or runtime
flatpak installation — Configuration for an installation location
flatpak metadata — Information about an application or runtime
flatpak remote — Configuration for a remote


flatpak-flatpakrepo — Reference to a remote


Flatpak uses flatpakrepo files to share information about remotes. The flatpakrepo file contains enough information to add the remote. Use the flatpak remote-add --from command to do so.

flatpakrepo files may also contain additional information that is useful when displaying a remote to the user, e.g. in an app store.

The filename extension commonly used for flatpakrepo files is .flatpakrepo.

File format

The flatpakrepo file is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.

[Flatpak Repo]

All the information is contained in the [Flatpak Repo] group.

The following keys can be present in this group:

Version (uint64)

The version of the file format, must be 1 if present.

Url (string)

The url for the remote. This key is mandatory.

GPGKey (string)

The base64-encoded gpg key for the remote.

DefaultBranch (string)

The default branch to use for this remote.

Title (string)

The title of the remote. This should be a user-friendly name that can be displayed e.g. in an app store.

Comment (string)

A short summary of the remote, for display e.g. in an app store.

Description (string)

A longer description of the remote, for display e.g. in an app store..

Icon (string)

The url for an icon that can be used to represent the remote.

Homepage (string)

The url of a webpage describing the remote.

CollectionID (string)

The collection ID of the remote, if it has one. This uniquely identifies the collection of apps in the remote, to allow peer to peer redistribution.


[Flatpak Repo]


flatpak-flatpakref — Reference to a remote for an application or runtime


Flatpak uses flatpakref files to share information about a remote for a single application. The flatpakref file contains enough information to add the remote and install the application. Use the flatpak install --from command to do so.

flatpakref files may also contain additional information that is useful when displaying the application to the user, e.g. in an app store.

The filename extension commonly used for flatpakref files is .flatpakref.

A flatpakref file can also refer to a remote for a runtime.

File format

The flatpakref file is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.

[Flatpak Ref]

All the information is contained in the [Flatpak Ref] group.

The following keys can be present in this group:

Version (uint64)

The version of the file format, must be 1 if present.

Name (string)

The fully qualified name of the runtime that is used by the application. This key is mandatory.

Url (string)

The url for the remote. This key is mandatory.

Branch (string)

The name of the branch from which to install the application or runtime. If this key is not specified, the "master" branch is used.

Title (string)

The title of the application or runtime. This should be a user-friendly name that can be displayed e.g. in an app store.

Comment (string)

A short summary of the application or runtime, for display e.g. in an app store.

Description (string)

A longer description of the application or runtime, for display e.g. in an app store..

Icon (string)

The url for an icon that can be used to represent the application or runtime.

Homepage (string)

The url of a webpage describing the application or runtime.

CollectionID (string)

The collection ID of the remote, if it has one. This uniquely identifies the collection of apps in the remote, to allow peer to peer redistribution.

IsRuntime (boolean)

Whether this file refers to a runtime. If this key is not specified, the file is assumed to refer to an application.

GPGKey (string)

The base64-encoded gpg key for the remote.

RuntimeRepo (string)

The url for a .flatpakref file for the runtime.


[Flatpak Ref]


flatpak-installation — Configuration for an installation location


flatpak can operate in system-wide or per-user mode. The system-wide data is located in $prefix/var/lib/flatpak/, and the per-user data is in $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/.

In addition to the default installation locations, more system-wide installations can be defined via configuration files /etc/flatpak/installations.d/, which must have the .conf extension and follow the format described below.

File format

The installation config file format is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.

[Installation …]

All the configuration for the the installation location with name NAME is contained in the [Installation "NAME"] group.

The following keys are recognized:

Path (string)

The path for this installation. This key is mandatory.

DisplayName (string)

The name to use when showing this installation in the UI.

Priority (integer)

A priority for this installation.

StorageType (string)

The type of storage used for this installation. Possible values include: network, mmc, sdcard, harddisk.


[Installation "extra"]
DisplayName=Extra Installation


flatpak-metadata — Information about an application or runtime


Flatpak uses metadata files to describe applications and runtimes. The metadata file for a deployed application or runtime is placed in the toplevel deploy directory. For example, the metadata for the locally installed application org.gnome.Calculator is in ~/.local/share/flatpak/app/org.gnome.Calculator/current/active/metadata.

Most aspects of the metadata configuration can be overridden when launching applications, either temporarily via options of the flatpak run command, or permanently with the flatpak override command.

A metadata file describing the effective configuration is available inside the running sandbox at /.flatpak-info. For compatibility with older Flatpak versions, /run/user/$UID/flatpak-info is a symbolic link to the same file.

File format

The metadata file is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.

[Application] or [Runtime]

Metadata for applications starts with an [Application] group, metadata for runtimes with a [Runtime] group.

The following keys can be present in these groups:

name (string)

The name of the application or runtime. This key is mandatory.

runtime (string)

The fully qualified name of the runtime that is used by the application. This key is mandatory for applications.

sdk (string)

The fully qualified name of the sdk that matches the runtime. Available since 0.1.

command (string)

The command to run. Only relevant for applications. Available since 0.1.

required-flatpak (string)

The required version of Flatpak to run this application or runtime. For applications, this was available since 0.8.0. For runtimes, this was available since 0.9.1, and backported to 0.8.3 for the 0.8.x branch.

tags (string list)

Tags to include in AppStream XML. Available since 0.4.12.


This group determines various system resources that may be shared with the application when it is run in a flatpak sandbox.

All keys in this group (and the group itself) are optional.

shared (list)

List of subsystems to share with the host system. Possible subsystems: network, ipc. Available since 0.3.

sockets (list)

List of well-known sockets to make available in the sandbox. Possible sockets: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, session-bus, system-bus, ssh-auth. When making a socket available, flatpak also sets well-known environment variables like DISPLAY or DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS to let the application find sockets that are not in a fixed location. Available since 0.3.

devices (list)

List of devices to make available in the sandbox. Possible values:


Graphics direct rendering (/dev/dri). Available since 0.3.


Virtualization (/dev/kvm). Available since 0.6.12.


All device nodes in /dev. Available since 0.6.6.

filesystems (list)

List of filesystem subsets to make available to the application. Possible values:


The entire home directory. Available since 0.3.


The entire host file system, except for directories that are handled specially by Flatpak. In particular, this shares /home, /media, /opt, /run/media and /srv if they exist.

/dev is not shared: use devices=all; instead.

Parts of /sys are always shared. This option does not make additional files in /sys available.

These other reserved directories are currently excluded: /app, /bin, /boot, /etc, /lib, /lib32, /lib64, /proc, /root, /run, /sbin, /tmp, /usr, /var.

Available since 0.3.

xdg-desktop, xdg-documents, xdg-download, xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share, xdg-videos, xdg-templates

freedesktop.org special directories. Available since 0.3.

xdg-desktop/path, xdg-documents/path, etc.

Subdirectories of freedesktop.org special directories. Available since 0.4.13.

xdg-cache, xdg-config, xdg-data

Directories defined by the freedesktop.org Base Directory Specification. Available since 0.6.14.

xdg-cache/path, xdg-config/path, xdg-data/path

Subdirectories of directories defined by the freedesktop.org Base Directory Specification. Available since 0.6.14.


Subdirectories of the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR defined by the freedesktop.org Base Directory Specification. Note that xdg-run on its own is not supported. Available since 0.4.13.


An arbitrary absolute path. Available since 0.3.


An arbitrary path relative to the home directory. Available since 0.3.

One of the above followed by :ro

Make the given directory available read-only.

One of the above followed by :rw

Make the given directory available read/write. This is the default.

One of the above followed by :create

Make the given directory available read/write, and create it if it does not already exist.

persistent (list)

List of homedir-relative paths to make available at the corresponding path in the per-application home directory, allowing the locations to be used for persistent data when the application does not have access to the real homedir. For instance making ".myapp" persistent would make "~/.myapp" in the sandbox a bind mount to "~/.var/app/org.my.App/.myapp", thus allowing an unmodified application to save data in the per-application location. Available since 0.3.

features (list)

List of features available or unavailable to the application, currently from the following list:


Allow system calls used by development-oriented tools such as perf, strace and gdb. Available since 0.6.10.


Allow running multilib/multiarch binaries, for example i386 binaries in an x86_64 environment. Available since 0.6.12.


Allow the application to use bluetooth (AF_BLUETOOTH) sockets. Note, for bluetooth to fully work you must also have network access. Available since 0.11.8.

A feature can be prefixed with ! to indicate the absence of that feature, for example !devel if development and debugging are not allowed.


This group only appears in /.flatpak-info for a running app, and not in the metadata files written by application authors. It is filled in by Flatpak itself.

app-path (string)

The absolute path on the host system of the app's app files, as mounted at /app inside the container. Available since 0.6.10.

branch (string)

The branch of the app, for example stable. Available since 0.6.10.

flatpak-version (string)

The version number of the Flatpak version that ran this app. Available since 0.6.11.

runtime-path (string)

The absolute path on the host system of the app's runtime files, as mounted at /usr inside the container. Available since 0.6.10.

session-bus-proxy (boolean)

True if this app cannot access the D-Bus session bus directly (either it goes via a proxy, or it cannot access the session bus at all). Available since 0.8.0.

system-bus-proxy (boolean)

True if this app cannot access the D-Bus system bus directly (either it goes via a proxy, or it cannot access the system bus at all). Available since 0.8.0.

[Session Bus Policy]

If the sockets key is not allowing full access to the D-Bus session bus, then flatpak provides filtered access.

The default policy for the session bus only allows the application to own its own application ID and subnames. For instance if the app is called "org.my.App", it can only own "org.my.App" and "org.my.App.*". Its also only allowed to talk to the bus itself (org.freedesktop.DBus) and the portal APIs APIs (bus names of the form org.freedesktop.portal.*).

Additionally the app is always allowed to reply to messages sent to it, and emit broadcast signals (but these will not reach other sandboxed apps unless they are allowed to talk to your app.

If the [Session Bus Policy] group is present, it provides policy for session bus access.

Each key in this group has the form of a D-Bus bus name or prefix thereof, for example org.gnome.SessionManager or org.freedesktop.portal.*

The possible values for entry are, in increasing order or access:


The bus name or names in question is invisible to the application. Available since 0.2.


The bus name or names can be enumerated by the application. Available since 0.2.


The application can send messages/ and receive replies and signals from the bus name or names. Available since 0.2.


The application can own the bus name or names (as well as all the above). Available since 0.2.

[System Bus Policy]

If the sockets key is not allowing full access to the D-Bus system bus, then flatpak does not make the system bus available unless the [System Bus Policy] group is present and provides a policy for filtered access. Available since 0.2.

Entries in this group have the same form as for the [Session Bus Policy] group. However, the app has no permissions by default.


The [Environment] group specifies environment variables to set when running the application. Available since 0.3.

Entries in this group have the form VAR=VALUE where VAR is the name of an environment variable to set.

[Extension NAME]

Runtimes and applications can define extension points, which allow optional, additional runtimes to be mounted at a specified location inside the sandbox when they are present on the system. Typical uses for extension points include translations for applications, or debuginfo for sdks. The name of the extension point is specified as part of the group heading. Since 0.11.4, the name may optionally include a tag in the NAME in the name@tag ref syntax if you wish to use different configurations (eg, versions) of the same extension concurrently. The "tag" is effectively ignored, but is necessary in order to allow the same extension name to be specified more than once.

directory (string)

The relative path at which the extension will be mounted in the sandbox. If the extension point is for an application, the path is relative to /app, otherwise it is relative to /usr. This key is mandatory. Available since 0.1.

version (string)

The branch to use when looking for the extension. If this is not specified, it defaults to the branch of the application or runtime that the extension point is for. Available since 0.4.1.

versions (string)

The branches to use when looking for the extension. If this is not specified, it defaults to the branch of the application or runtime that the extension point is for. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.4.

add-ld-path (string)

A path relative to the extension point directory that will be appended to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.3.

merge-dirs (string)

A list of relative paths of directories below the extension point directory that will be merged. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.3.

download-if (string)

A condition that must be true for the extension to be auto-downloaded. The only currently recognized value is active-gl-driver, which is true if the name of the active GL driver matches the extension point basename. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.3.

enable-if (string)

A condition that must be true for the extension to be enabled. The only currently recognized value is active-gl-driver, which is true if the name of the active GL driver matches the extension point basename. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.3.

subdirectory-suffix (string)

A suffix that gets appended to the directory name. This is very useful when the extension point naming scheme is "reversed". For example, an extension point for GTK+ themes would be /usr/share/themes/$NAME/gtk-3.0, which could be achieved using subdirectory-suffix=gtk-3.0. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.3.

subdirectories (boolean)

If this key is set to true, then flatpak will look for extensions whose name is a prefix of the extension point name, and mount them at the corresponding name below the subdirectory. Available since 0.1.

no-autodownload (boolean)

Whether to automatically download extensions matching this extension point when updating or installing a 'related' application or runtime. Available since 0.6.7.

locale-subset (boolean)

If set, then the extensions are partially downloaded by default, based on the currently configured locales. This means that the extension contents should be a set of directories with the language code as name. Available since 0.9.13 (and 0.6.6 for any extensions called *.Locale)

autodelete (boolean)

Whether to automatically delete extensions matching this extension point when deleting a 'related' application or runtime. Available since 0.6.7.

collection-id (string)

The ID of the collection that this extension point belongs to. If this is unspecified, it defaults to the collection ID of the application or runtime that the extension point is for. Currently, extension points must be in the same collection as the application or runtime that they are for. Available since 0.99.1.


This optional group may be present if the runtime is an extension.

ref (string)

The ref of the runtime or application that this extension belongs to. Available since 0.9.1.

priority (integer)

The priority to give this extension when looking for the best match. Default is 0. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.3.

tag (string)

The tag name to use when searching for this extension's mount point in the parent flatpak. Available since 0.11.4.

[Extra Data]

This optional group may be present if the runtime or application uses extra data that gets downloaded separately. The data in this group gets merged into the repository summary, with the xa.extra-data-sources key.

If multiple extra data sources are present, their uri, size and checksum keys are grouped together by using the same suffix. If only one extra data source is present, the suffix can be omitted.

NoRuntime (boolean)

Whether to mount the runtime while running the /app/bin/apply_extra script. Defaults to true, i.e. not mounting the runtime. Available since 0.9.1, and backported to the 0.8.x branch in 0.8.4.

uriX (string)

The uri for extra data source X. The only supported uri schemes are http and https. Available since 0.6.13.

sizeX (integer)

The size for extra data source X. Available since 0.6.13.

checksumX (string)

The sha256 sum for extra data source X. Available since 0.6.13.


Subsystems can define their own policies to be placed in a group whose name has this form. Their values are treated as lists, in which items can have their meaning negated by prepending ! to the value. They are not otherwise parsed by Flatpak. Available since 0.6.13.




[Session Bus Policy]


[Extension org.gnome.Calculator.Locale]

[Extension org.gnome.Calculator.Debug]


flatpak-remote — Configuration for a remote


Flatpak stores information about configured remotes for an installation location in $installation/repo/config. For example, the remotes for the default system-wide installation are in $prefix/var/lib/flatpak/repo/config, and the remotes for the per-user installation are in $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/repo/config.

Normally, it is not necessary to edit remote config files directly, the flatpak remote-modify command should be used to change properties of remotes.

System-wide remotes can be statically preconfigured by dropping config fragments into /etc/flatpak/remotes.d/.

File format

The remote config file format is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.

[remote …]

All the configuration for the the remote with name NAME is contained in the [remote "NAME"] group.

The following keys are recognized by OSTree, among others:

url (string)

The url for the remote.

gpg-verify (boolean)

Whether to use GPG verification for content from this remote.

gpg-verify-summary (boolean)

Whether to use GPG verification for the summary of this remote.

This is ignored if collection-id is set, as refs are verified in commit metadata in that case. Enabling gpg-verify-summary would break peer to peer distribution of refs.

collection-id (string)

The globally unique identifier for the upstream collection repository, to allow mirrors to be grouped.

All flatpak-specific keys have a xa. prefix:

xa.disable (boolean)

Whether the remote is disabled. Defaults to false.

xa.prio (integer)

The priority for the remote. This is used when listing remotes. Defaults to 1.

xa.noenumerate (boolean)

Whether this remote should be used when presenting available contents. Defaults to true.

xa.nodeps (boolean)

Whether this remote should be used when searching for dependencies. Defaults to true.

xa.title (string)

An optional title to use when presenting this remote in a UI.

xa.title-is-set (boolean)

This key is set to true if xa.title has been explicitly set.

xa.default-branch (string)

The default branch to use when installing from this remote.

xa.default-branch-is-set (boolean)

This key is set to true if xa.default-branch has been explicitly set.

xa.main-ref (string)

The main reference served by this remote. This is used for origin remotes of applications installed via a flatpakref file.

xa.oci (boolean)

Whether this is an OCI remote. Defaults to false.


[remote "gnome-nightly-apps"]
xa.title=GNOME Applications
[remote "flathub"]